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Patenting a Trademark in Turkey

Patenting a Trademark

"Patenting a trademark refers to the concept of trademark registration. That is, a trademark can only be registered, it cannot be patented. To refer to these concepts, a trademark is defined as any kind of indication that distinguishes services of the same kind from other products or services. "
A trademark can only be registered, it cannot be patented. To refer to these concepts, a trademark is defined as any kind of indication that distinguishes services of the same kind from other products or services. Trademark identification is extremely important.
A company, firm or organization needs a trademark to promote its products and services in a better way and to have a greater place in the world market. Being a trademark does not require being a very big company.

What Can Be a Trademark?

Expressions derived for businesses, person names, colors, slogans, figures, numbers, packaging shapes, sounds and all kinds of marks may be subject to trademark registration.
Trademark Registration Application
In the trademark registration application, the first thing is to determine the category to which the expression, figure or sign to be registered belongs. It is then checked whether the expression, figure or sign to be applied for trademark registration is available in categories that are relevant. Making a trademark application for an expression, figure or sign that is not appropriate in the categories that are relevant will result in both money and time loss. If the trademark to be applied for trademark registration is appropriate in the category that is relevant, trademark registration can be made.
After the application is made, the Turkish Patent Institute will examine the applicant for trademark registration and if it finds the application positive, the publication decision will be issued for publication in the Trademark Newsletter. If the results of the examinations are negative, the application for trademark registration is rejected. The registration of the trademark opened to the public is submitted to the third party's objection in the publication. If no one appeals, the application is documented. If objections are made, the objections to the trademark are examined by the Turkish Patent Institute and a decision is made for the application of the trademark registration of the Turkish Patent Institute together with the comments submitted. Managing the application phase is as important as making a trademark application. Making an erroneous decision within the scope of the process causes both money and time losses.

Documents Required for Trademark Registration Application

For Application by Persons

Republic of Turkey identity number and the photocopy of identity card for real persons.
Emblem, logo, font, packaging or label sample of the trademark to be applied for.
Contract and Warrant of Attorney (We, as SİSTEM PATENT, will organize the Warrant of Attorney, so, notary approval is not required.)

For Applications by Companies or Organizations

  • For legal entities, the legal entity's full address, commercial title and tax office/number,
  • List of the products or services represented by the trademark in order to use for deciding the category of the trademark,
  • Trademark Registration Process Stages, 
  • The logo and the character of the trademark to be registered are determined.
  • Trademark application is made online.
  • The application is made on the same day when it is approved by the trademark owner.
  • The trademark is taken under review within 6 to 7 months after the first application.
  • The trademark is examined by the trademark experts of the Turkish Patent Institute from the date of application.
  • If there is no legal meaning or similar brand, pre-approval is made.
  • Approved trademark is published in the Official Trademark Newsletter for 90 days.
  • If an objection is made within 3 months due to resemblance to the brand or for any reason, the appeal is answered.
  • If no objection is made, the brand will be approved on the 11th month and the trademark will be registered after the fee for the documents is paid.

Trademark Registration Term

Trademark registration starts the minute the application is made. Protection term for the trademark registration is 10 years.
You can ask Sistem Patent’s Trademark Attorneys for any problem related to Trademark Patent or Trademark Registration.

Apply Now!

Please fill in the form to receive information about your trademark and patent application.


The trademarks are listed that we provide service under SISTEM PATENT.