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International Patent Search

When a patent application has been completed the conformity assessment and overcome the deficiencies required parts, it becomes ready to international patent search.
You should demand search report and pay of this fee your application within 15 months of your filing date or priority date  otherwise your application will be abandoned.

Research Report is made following offices;
  • European Patent Office
  • Denmark
  • Swedish
  • Austria
  • Russia

What is Patent Search? How is it done?

For protection of an invention through patent;
  • Novelty
  • It should be  moved one step further than previously techniqal known.
  • It should be possible to applicable to the industrial

Categories  of  Search  Report;

X: When taken alone, a demanded invention cannot be accepted novel or cannot be considered to moved one step further than previously known.
E:Earlier patent document, however  published on, or after the filing date.
Y:is applicable where a document is such that a request invention cannot be considered to involve an inventive step especially relevant if combined with another Y-document.
A:Technological background, no objection of lack of novelty or inv. step
O:Non-written (g ) e. . oral) disclosure
P:intermediate document, published after priority date but before filing
date of the application; used in combination with X, Y, A (e.g. XP)
T:Theory or principle underlying the invention theory or principle underlying the invention
E:Earlier patent document, however  published on, or after the filing date
D:cited in the application
L:ci df h te or other reasons

Examination procedures;

After the publication of research report then applicants have six months for requesting examination of their application to Institue.

For the examination to be carried out, the designation fee should pay in due time and the objection process (6 months) given to third party must expire.



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